Love Kenneth Anger

Love Kenneth Anger
©agnès b. (2012) / Agnès tells their first encounter / 2012 exhibition poster / ©Kenneth Anger / ©Kate Simon

The American filmmaker left us a few days ago. Agnès had developed a strong friendship with him since their first encounter in the 60s. 

He was one of the most influential filmmakers of his generation. David Lynch, John Waters or Martin Scorsese have credited Kenneth Anger amongst their greatest influences. An artist who would invent extraordinary pictures, underground militant, but also a close friend of Agnès. Kenneth Anger passed away on May 11th and leaves behind him an immense legacy. Agnès always supported him, and regularly displayed his work at the Galerie du Jour (1997, 2012 and 2021). She also owns some of his work, which are part of the Fab’s permanent exhibit. 

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