Language of the body

Language of the body
©La Fab. Martin Parr / Nan Goldin / William Eggleston / Helen Levitt / Wee Gee

The Fab’s new exhibition sets up shop on Friday, the 9th of June. 

This exhibition explores agnès b.’ collection and connects projects about body language. 

Through drawings, paintings, sculpture, photographs, films and videos linked to the theme of corporal expression; the exhibits shine a light on the body in social environment, its functions, its gestures, the behaviours that reveal it, the order and poetry resulting from it, tenderness, beauty, but sometimes also the violence. It also explores the body in various spaces, wether it is nature, the city, or an enclosed location. 

Body language expresses itself in this project through the eyes of more than 60 artists, like Peter Hajar or Tracey Emin, includes also Larry Clark, Malick Sibidé or Niki de Saint Phalle. 

The opening will take place at the Fab on Thursday, from 6pm to 9pm. 


Body language, from 9th of June to 22nd of october 2023.
La Fab. - Place Jean-Michel Basquiat - Paris 13e
Wednesday - Saturday 11am - 7pm / Sunday 2pm - 7pm

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