
They wear agnès b. and tell us all about it.
Cody, 18, musician/actor, High Holborn, London.
What are you wearing today?
A white longlseeve t-shirt with the iconic star logo from agnes b., a classic black star that I love. I paired with a snap cardigan exposing the white sleeves from the t-shirt underneath.
How did you imagine this silhouette?
For me these pieces and most of the brand, effortlessly match my style. The way the t-shirt is slightly baggy and loose really conforms to my daily dress and compliments the outfit overall. As does the cardigan, the way the sleeves become pronounced with the colour contrast between the tee and itself. Framing the star also leads your eyes to the logo itself. the clothes here are an extension of the way i like to express myself with the way i dress, elegant but relaxed. In my opinion agnes b. will always deliver.