The snap cardigan
It is one of the most iconic pieces designed by agnès b. The snap cardigan is over 40 years old, but it’s ageless. Agnès walks us through its story.
Since 1975 and the creation of the brand, agnès b. never used advertising.
"I’m a kid from May 68, its culture is ingrained in me. There was this slogan: 'advertising is stupid, advertising makes you stupid.' It spoke to me. Since I created agnès b. I’ve never used advertising. It was an echo to the perfectionism of Guy Debord, and it also reminded me of George Perec, who was a neighbour I’d run into in 1968/1970. It’s the press that made me, in a time where everybody was free. Magazines like Marie-Claire, Elle, Jardins Des Modes were already showing my clothes. Journalists clearly understood that there was something happening at 3, rue du Jour, where everything began."