Agnès at Work - At the Future Tara Polar Station in Cherbourg

Private tour of the shipyard for Tara’s ambitious new project.
A few days ago, Agnès joined Romain Troublé, Executive Director of the Tara Ocean Foundation, for her first visit to the foundation’s future polar station at the Constructions Mécaniques de Normandie shipyard in Cherbourg. This station, with its entirely unique and futuristic design imagined by architect Olivier Petit, Etienne Bourgois, and Romain Troublé, represents Tara’s latest ambitious project.
This "observatory and laboratory" vessel is designed to become trapped in the ice for several months, drifting with the rhythm of the polar ice pack. Scientists on board will conduct sampling and analyses of organisms living in this extreme environment, where the effects of climate change are accelerating. Invited artists will also document the richness and fragility of the North Pole. “We know more about the Moon than we do about the Arctic,” Tara’s teams often remind us, and the mission of this floating saucer is to change that. Every square centimeter of this polar station has been meticulously designed to facilitate the crew’s life. Embark with Tara and discover this extraordinary project alongside Agnès.
Take part in this essential and extraordinary adventure by supporting the crowdfunding campaign, which is crucial for Tara to complete the vessel.
© Marc Cortès for agnès b.